Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mission Statement and personas

Mission Statement

My mission is to share my story about how loosing everything helped me to realize I needed to change.  My hope is to inspire others to believe in themselves, to find the power they have within themselves, and to have the courage to become the person they have always dreamed of being.  The first step is knowing what you want.     


MaryAnn is a 35 year old mother of three young children.  Her life is busy and hectic.  She rarely finds a moment to herself.  Over the years, she has gradually given up her interests to help her children learn and grow.  Often times when she goes into a store to get a few things for herself,  she ends up in the children's section.  She has gained a few pounds and enjoys buying clothes for her daughter more than for herself.  Money is tight so she caters to her husbands job.  She doesn't complain when he works late.  She even encourages him to go fishing with his buddy because he works so hard.  MaryAnn loves her family, but she finds herself yelling at her kids more often than she wants.  She feels guilty and compensates by sacrificing more for them.  

Bob is forty five years old and suffers from depression.  Growing up his parents were very controlling and never let him make his own decisions. Bob went to the college his parents picked, got the job at the CPA firm they suggested, he even married the girl his parents approved of.  Bob has three teenage boys.  He is gets discouraged because his parents often disapproves of his parenting style.  He would like to stand up to them, but feels it would be disrespectful.  Bob would like to move to a new state and open his own practice but doesn't dare take the risk.  He is often tired and overworked.

Kate is 50 years old.  Kate's dad died when she was nine.  She is strong and independent; however,  she looks for validation and approval from the men in her life.  She gives up her interest and friends to be available to her husband and kids.   If her husband is not happy at his job, she encourages him to quit.  She offers to take on the financial responsibilities and the kids while her husband goes back to school.  When Kate's husband gets angry at the kids, she steps in and takes over.  Kate feels like she is solely responsible for the quality of her marriage.  She has the tendency to undervalue herself and her contributions.  

Tactic Plan:
Post exerts from the book--I will post a few sentences from the book that will draw the reader in.  It will be just enough to make them want to read a little more.    
Personal Videos:  I will be introducing the chapter and giving  a hint as to what the chapter is about.  
Facebook add:  Run an add to women in the united states.  Interest and other demographics will include mothers, christian, age,
Contest:  Offer incentive to read.  Do a challenge.  

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